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Disclaimer / About me

Disclaimer :

This blog and everything on it is only the mere expression of my opinion (and some other’s that I may quote). It does NOT represent my employer’s or any group’s opinion (including, but not limited to, Kawa-Soft, The French SOS Brigade, Epitanime). Should it represent other people’s / group’s opinion, it WILL be clearly stated beforehand.

Oh and if you’re my (future) employer, unless I gave you my explicit written permission to do so, you MUST close this website IMMEDIATELY. You’re NOT permitted to visit this website under any condition. Doing so will be considered as a breach of my privacy and I will sue you for that. If you think that’s a good idea, well, think again.

This blog contains offensive / NSFW / adult content. I won’t warn before posting them so you’ve been warned here. Should you feel offended, please close this website and feel free not to come again. Please use your brain / common sense / insight before trying to bash me. I may use joke / humor.

Should you feel the need to express your discontent towards me and my opinions, you’re free to do so by challenging me to a game of Battlefield 3™ (please understand that I may turn down your challenge request since I’m a very busy person / I haven’t played for quite a long time and the mere thought of having to reinstall it already makes me sigh and feel lazy) ARMA3 (because it’s obviously superior to EA shiet).

Except otherwise stated, the contents of this blog are copyrighted under the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 licence. You are free to quote whatever you might like as long as you put a link / a ping / whatever towards the source. If you want to use some contents for some commercial things, contact me by mail / twitter. I’m not that much of a bitch and won’t ask millions of dollars for some shitty blog content (and I won’t ask a beer either since I don’t like beer, real men drink wine).

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Battlefield 3 is a trademark of EA Digital Illusions CE AB. EA. ARMA 3 is a registered trademark of Bohemia Interactive a.s. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

About me :

Mereck (sometimes with the last name Yasumoto) is just another French weeaboo. You can find this nickname as a former Kimocho-Sub translator (French hentai fansub. Yeah.), the Fourth Elite Meido, one of the Kawa-Soft founders, among other things. Just Google it for the rest.

Louise is mai waifu, though I’m married to Haruna, and Kudo is our musume. Do NOT NTR. You NTR, you die. I used to X-date waifus (X comprised between 2 and 20, depending on the year), but now I only have one. And several temporary mistresses.

I like many things. anime, visual-novels, light novels, manga, anime songs, anime figures, anime dolls, anime goodies, anime-related video games, non-anime related video games, airplanes (both military and civilian), airsoft, small arms, infantry tactics, tanks, armored vehicles, warring (from Napoleon wars up to today ones), guro, torture (both physical and psychological, primarily aimed at intelligence gathering), IT, security (IT and non IT related), networking, robots (both military and civilian), girls, boys looking like girls, tsundere, yandere, yangire, maid, pettankko, Stock Market, Kugimiya Rie, Norio Wakamoto,  Yukari Tamura, OSTs, symphonic metal and classical music.

IRL I’m just a normal IT student struggling to get his master degree in networking dude. And I usually am a dragon‘s knight. Once again, you NTR, you die. Slowly and painfully.

I can speak French, English and can understand a bit of Japanese and German (though, last time I watched an unsubbed Melon Pan video on YT I didn’t quite get a shit of what he was saying).

Just like the previous iteration of this blog, this section will stay under eternal construction.

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