Since I can be kind of stubborn, I decided my previous attempt was only a small tactical retreat and tried to settle the score once and for all with E4. This post will be way shorter compared to the previous one.
/* Plugin Name: Content Warning v2 Plugin URI: Description: A plugin based on my v2 code, while drastically deviating from the original. Used mainly for NSFW websites, this plugin provides a dialog popup to warn viewers of it's possible content. Author: Jerry Wood Jr. Version: 3.48 Author URI: */ require_once (dirname(__FILE__).'/inc/'); require_once (dirname(__FILE__).'/lib/jw_simple_options/simple_options.php'); require_once (dirname(__FILE__).'/class/main.class.php'); $cwv3_options = new JW_SIMPLE_OPTIONS($cwv3_op_data); register_uninstall_hook(__FILE__, $cwv3_options->uninstall() ); ?>
Since I can be kind of stubborn, I decided my previous attempt was only a small tactical retreat and tried to settle the score once and for all with E4. This post will be way shorter compared to the previous one.
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
As the curtain falls on my last attempt to clear E4, I’m standing both empty-minded and empty-handed in front of the last battle report telling me that, once again, my girls failed at my expectations. Here are my thoughts on this 80 sorties 23 hours long battle that ended in bitter defeat.
Full NSFW loot of the day post… well, almost. Here is the SFW content (yay, Yuiko parka & Kudocam~) Then all the NSFW things… And finally the loli NSFW things (a bit of random buy here) :
Well it’s technically the loot of yesterday, but whatever… I finally managed to get my hand on a Custom Maid 3D copy. Also, a bit of my daughter stuff. Also, here are those a friend of mine gave me :
Something I used to do on my old (and defunct) blog was to post the things I bought / got for free in Japan. Well, it’s back here. R18 things have a small warning just before them. I’ll try to find some “spoiler” tags later… Behind this point are NSFW things (R18) : And
Cet article est une traduction de l’interview de Sakai “nbkz” Nobukazu, initialement publiée dans Business Journal et traduit par “Akira” sur son blog LETTERS FROM THE SECOND DIMENSION (que j’en profite pour remercier… certes en français). Vu le contexte de ce blog et le fait qu’il y a de très fortes chances que les lecteurs de cet article
So here’s the fourth version of Mereck’s blogging, the previous blog disappeared in the warp of a failed migration (mainly due to a communication failure). I might import some old content here. Changelog: My blog now has a disclaimer. Please read it. I’m now mainly blogging in English. That’s principally due to the fact that my readers are
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